
My Life Like a Sitcom is about someone who makes mistakes all the time, but still loves myself.

내 인생은 시트콤은 매번 실수하지만, 그런 나 자신조차도 사랑하는 이야기를 담고 있습니다.


Maybe, because I make mistakes all the time, life becomes more enjoyable instead?

어쩌면 매번 실수하기 때문에, 오히려 인생이 즐거운 것은 아닐까요? 실수해도 괜찮아요.


My Life Like a Sitcom

It is about someone who makes mistakes all the time, but still loves myself.

내 인생은 시트콤은 매번 실수하지만, 그런 나 자신조차도 사랑하는 이야기를 담고 있습니다.


Maybe, because I make mistakes all the time, life becomes more enjoyable instead?

어쩌면 매번 실수하기 때문에, 오히려 인생이 즐거운 것은 아닐까요?

My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom
My Life Like a Sitcom



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